African Officails at a Chaos - Will Biden Make Any Different?
The Recent US Presidential Election – A Question to Ideal Democratic Model The recent presidential election is US and the alleged counting procedure by Trump has raised question of uncertainty to every developing democratic nation about the ideal model of Democracy. US is one the oldest and largest democracy worldwide, the fair and free election is core concept of democratic country, the unclear allegations of voting and ballot counting in US election by the president Trump made many residents of the Tanzanian to question on so called democracy model of US. Many officials and influencers have question to US, since it holds Africa’s interest as well. Peter Kagwanja, a policy proficient on governance, security and African affairs, considers that democratic aspirations on the landmass could be challenged by the US President's "bellicosity." Sometimes, politicians plays only self-interest what Trump has been observed doing. Samir Kiango, a Dar es Salaam local, wants...