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African countries have been at a disadvantage on the global arena. It is often perceived that ‘anything goes’. Recently, a French doctor talked about using Africans as test subjects for a COVID-19 Vaccine in Africa. There was an outrage from Africans across the globe and WHO also spoke out against the notion that it was okay to use Africans as test subjects. Subsequently, African countries are planning to unite and create a ‘one shop stop’ to reduce the cost of Covid-19 test kits, protective equipment (such as PPE kits), and vaccines to protect those on the continent.
The Africa Medical Supplies Platform has decided to prolong their services with the integration of online resources. The supplies will be available throughout the continent using a similar business model as eBay or Amazon. The platform will address and resolve all domestic issues related to the competencies to stand strong against COVID-19.
The number of cases in Africa is about to hit 300,000. The increasing numbers are cause for concern although Africa is one of the least impacted continents, only second to Oceania. As infections continue to rise globally, test kits are hard to come up. As a result African countries have pulled together to initiate this program to enhance the frequent availability of COVID-19 test kits and other precautionary essentials.
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